Leadership and team coaching
Global research and consulting firm Gartner, has declared that 'Leader and mindset behaviours are pivotal to the future success of organisations.'
Your business relationships are critical to your professional success; reducing the impact of destructive leadership behaviour, improving engagement, enhancing cultural responsibility and developing crucial leadership skills such as connecting with others, motivating others and empathy.
In a nutshell, it includes three skills EQ, SQ and RSI;
developing your self awareness and the impact that you create, your social intelligence - your ability to stand in another’s shoes and your relationship systems intelligence - the ability to maximise your relationship and collaborate with groups, teams, communities and the wider system.
I believe creating an environment of psychological safety will upgrade team synergy, team resilience and team wellbeing giving you the unequivocal competitive edge. I believe everyone has the right to respectful working environments and relationships. I believe in holding a safe confidential space for teams to explore their life patterns, worldview and values and define what they want to become.

Call Me when....
- You’re the new leader for an existing team
- You’ve been given some direct reports for the first time
- A post merger situation means the creation of new teams:
- The team is being transitioned out of the organisation pre
- The team members are disengaged, low in trust, afraid to
speak up or in conflict
- There is high attrition, lack of alignment,
Enhanced Psychological safety at work
Organisational health
Wellbeing at work
Greater Resilience
More Collaboration
A sense of belonging
Conflict resolution
How to reframe negative thoughts
How to communicate assertively
How to self regulate emotions
Better employee engagement
Reduced attrition
Systems inspired leadership
Personal growth and development
Enhanced social intelligence
Improved relationship systems intelligence
Increased self awareness
Better Clarity of Communication
Better leadership
Hogan Assessments
Leadership development
Program design
To be treated with respect

Individual Coaching
As your dedicated thinking partner, I create space for you to originate, create, learn and produce results in order to be sovereign;That is the freedom to express and choose personally and professionally from your authentic self.
These coaching conversations will rock your inner world and then change the way in which you experience the world forever.
We’ve finally figured out that the relationship between leaders and team members is paramount. After all, the number one reason for leaving a company is the relationship with your boss. We appreciate the significance of being conscious and intentional with all your work relationships.
Wholeness, means having the freedom to express yourself in an authentic way, in whatever context you find yourself in. It’s about asking questions such as;
Who is this person?
What matters to them?
What do they care about?
This is Social intelligence in practise, it is a key leadership skill and moves beyond emotional intelligence which is all about your self awareness and stretches you into being able to put yourself in someone else's shoes and see the world from their perspective. Recognising when someone is having an emotional experience and that they need you to be more sensitive to their needs. Yes, it’s about having respect for everyone, noticing the quality of your relationships.
Wholeness, is a mindset about being at choice; it brings agility, integrity and trust to the table. It taps into your value system, your belief system and your emotional wellbeing.

Hogan Assessments
Hogan Assesments lead the world in the science of personality. They uncover the bright side, the dark side and the inside of personality. This enables us to describe the characteristics and behaviors that are required for or important to job performance—things like resiliency and strategic self-awareness and collaboration.
Here is when you may decide to use Hogan
Prior to Executive Coaching
Individuals use Hogan for professional development prior to coaching to support their own career planning.
As part of Talent Development
Organisations use Hogan at key trigger points such as redundancy, promotion, transfers, post merger integration, and as part of leadership development programmes to predict future leadership behaviours as part of succession planning and high potential programmes.
Prior to Team Coaching
The Hogan Team report aggregates team members’ individual assessment scores to shed light on team dynamics. Teams and their leaders will gain understanding of the values and biases that shape team behaviour, the informal roles that specific teammates fulfil, and the behaviours, which can derail the group’s performance when the pressure is on. The report supports facilitation of coaching with evaluations of team strengths, challenges and values. You can see how well members collaborate and identify how individuals contribute to the teams performance.
Talent Acquisition
Hogan is great idea to use when you’re recruiting people (as part of an assessment centre) into your organisation. It is the closest you will come to predicting someone's future behaviour and identifying job competencies.
Why Coaching?
How do you explain it when others are able to achieve things that defy all assumptions?
Why are some people so successful? What is different about them that makes them seem special? Some people are great leaders - why them?
How come some people are able to figure out what makes a great leader?
There’s something else at play here. As it turns out there is a pattern, all the greatest leaders in the world have something in common. They all have their own executive coach and they become coach leaders and practise systems inspired leadership. This explains why some leaders are able to inspire where others aren’t, where some create psychological safety and others rule by fear. Some leaders create cultures which make their employees ill and others improve their total wellbeing.
What is their recipe for success? These leaders don’t leave their professional development to chance. They take ownership and spend their own money on their professional development and don’t leave it up to the organisation they may work for. They prioritise their self growth, their dreams and their wellbeing. They have dedicated professional coaches who are rooting for them.